Friday, August 7, 2015

Positive Thoughts at Night

Life is amazing when you see the beauty of it.  I have recently read that it is very important that before you go to sleep at night make sure you have positive thoughts so you can fully rest and prepare for tomorrow’s day.  Some people tend to watch the news just before going to sleep and this practice affects their rest and their activities for the next day. 

The “News” shows us more negative than positive things.  It is not worthy watching them at night.  You can rest better watching a show, comedy or just reading a good book.  Things are happening all over the world and we cannot control them. We can only control what it is in our minds and our actions. 

Remember this the next time you are going to bed.

Our Body Needs Activity

I learned that taking care of our body means good eating habits, excercising and controling whatever goes into your mind.  A good activity could  be walking, dancing, working out, etc.  It is important to have at least 30 minutes of activity every day.  Our body have the capability to cure itself through the food we eat and through the hormons we release when we excercise.  If you want to feel good take 30 minutes of your time and get involve in any activity you like that will make you sweat.  You will sleep well and will lose weight.  Just don't abuse it...begin slow and do what you can. Specially if you are over 40 years begin with 10 minutes and see how your body reacts; then you can add more minutes to your routine.  But always consult with your doctor if you have currently any health issues.

Self-steam and Self-worth

I will like to share with you something that I think is very important for us if we want to be healthier. It is not only the physical body that counts when we are looking for good health but what is inside...our thoughts.

One of the most important things a person brings to a relationship is how he/she feels and think about himself; his self-worth and how he think and feels about himself based on others opinions (Self-esteem) These two are extremely important in our relationships. Experts in this subject said that the children are more receptive when they feel good about themselves.

When you feel good about yourself, your motivation is higher and you become